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Privacy Policy

Updated: 2024-04-24


This Privacy Policy describes how Terbium collects and uses data. This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights and how you are protected by privacy laws. 

By using our Service, you consent to the collection and use of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

Terbium may change this Privacy Policy at any time. This can be done without prior notice. 

Terbium will post the updated privacy policy on's website. 

Collection and use of personal data 

We perform our services on the basis of data held by or made available to Terbium Partners. 

If you wish to apply for one of our services, you may provide us with information about your personal and professional background ("Candidate Information") which we may consider as part of the relevant services. You can send this information directly to one of our consultants. 

Providing candidate information is purely voluntary on your part. While it is generally the case that the more information you share with us, the better we will be able to assess you and/or your potential suitability for or within a managerial or similar management position, we recommend that you do not provide us with any candidate information that is little or not relevant to the relevant services we offer. 

​ If and to the extent that you share candidate data with us, we may contact you using the contact details you may have provided through the website or directly to one of our consultants, to clarify any questions we may have or obtain additional information from you. 




In addition, if you are a candidate for interim management or recruitment services, we may (i) conduct reviews of your professional profile and search for information about your personal and professional life as publicly available via social media such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), on the internet, or in data that you have previously provided to us, provided that such information may be relevant to the relevant services we offer; and (ii) obtain personal data about you from third-party data providers, where we take appropriate steps to ensure that such third-party data providers are legally permitted or required to disclose such information to us.  Any resulting information will be considered candidate information and will be processed as described below. 

Therefore, depending on your interaction with us, your candidate data processed by Terbium Partners and/or selected partners of Terbium Partners may include the following information: (i) your contact details (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.), (ii) your biographical data, (iii) information about your vocational training, (iv) your educational credentials, include professional diplomas and certificates, (v) information and responses you provide to evaluative measures, surveys and interviews, and (vi) any sensitive personal data that you choose and that you explicitly consent to disclose to us. In addition, if you are a candidate for recruitment services, your candidate data may include (vii) your employment and compensation history, (viii) information about your opportunity suitability that we compile as part of our assessments of your professional profile, (ix) information about your personal and professional life as publicly available via social media such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or otherwise on the internet, or from third-party data providers, which may be relevant in connection with the relevant services, (x) information relating to your travel for interviews as part of a recruitment process, where such travel arrangements are facilitated by us through our selected partners, such as your name, email address, telephone number, passport number and date of birth (if required), travel destination(s) and means of transport, and (xi) in appropriate circumstances and in accordance with applicable local law, information about you that may be classified as "diversity information" (such as your ethnic background, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and/or socioeconomic background). 

Some of this information is considered sensitive personal information (or protected legal characteristics under certain laws) and as such, stricter data and other protections, as required by applicable law, apply. 

Our legal basis for collecting and using your candidate data for the Services depends on the processing activity involved and the context in which it was obtained and may therefore be based on our legitimate business interests or on your consent. 

As part of our services, your candidate data may be processed for the following business purposes: 


  • providing services on behalf of our clients, including processing your candidate data for example during the assessment, coaching or development as part of the respective engagements for our clients; 

  • managing the databases in which your candidate data is stored; and 

  • analyzing your information using analytical tools and comparing the results with other candidates or potential candidates, including categorizing candidates using profiles developed by the software, to help us perform our services.​ 

If you are a candidate for recruitment services, your candidate data may be processed for additional business purposes such as: 

  • conducting searches for potential candidates on behalf of our clients who have a vacancy for a managerial or similar management position or for a board position, including, but not limited to, (i) assessing your suitability for the clients, (ii) introducing you to clients as a candidate, (iii) verifying your educational qualifications, professional diplomas and certificates,  (iv) using your diversity information to provide clients with diverse choices, where applicable and in accordance with applicable law, and (v) ensure that you are not recruited on behalf of another client;  

  • informing you of any open managerial or similar management positions that may be suitable for you;send you information that we think you may find interesting, such as reports, research, invitations to networking events, or information about our services, publications, and surveys;  

  • and approaching you as a contact person for the client to introduce other candidates or as a source of information about potential candidates for other clients 

At no circumstances will your Candidate Data be used for any purpose other than to provide the services for which your Candidate Data is intended. Your candidate data is primarily processed by and on behalf of Terbium Partners. 

​ Sharing of personal data 

Depending on how and where the services are to be performed in your individual case, your candidate data may be shared with: 

Consultants and administrative staff: through our own databases, your candidate data will be available to Terbium Partners' consultants and administrative staff around the world for the purpose of providing the services; 

Clients: If you are a candidate for recruitment services, we may, at our discretion, disclose extracts of your candidate information, such as your professional education and employment history with certain clients, in order to confirm whether such clients may be interested in you as a candidate in relation to a vacancy for a managerial or similar management position that they have notified us of. The information provided is limited to what is necessary for this purpose. We will not disclose all of your candidate data or introduce you in detail to a client without first obtaining your consent; 


Selected partners: Your candidate data may be processed by selected partners with whom we may work on specific projects in the provision of our services, including, for example, third-party travel agencies; 

Software services, application and IT infrastructure providers: your candidate data may be processed by the providers of software services, applications and IT infrastructure, as well as our processors (such as Microsoft Corporation, for example), which may be located anywhere in the world, subject to binding contractual obligations to process your Candidate Data only in accordance with our prior written instructions and to apply measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your Candidate Data, together with any additional requirements under applicable law. 

Terbium does not share your data without your consent. And does not share your data with others for marketing purposes. Your information will only be disclosed for exceptional reasons, including compliance with applicable laws and regulations or compliance with court orders. 

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